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Worldwide a fundamental transition transform our view, thoughts and global lifestyle. A new worldorder create a mankind-in-process. Architecture is a reflection of social behavior, needs and desires. Sustainable Architecture is an expression of a way of building to make a necessary change in our build environment possible by being concerned and conscious about our health and the stability and vitality of our environment.

The space of architecture is often identified with the soul, a volatile substance of air, in which the user’s life goes on. Among the many components of architecture the space is the most mysterious part of its essence, of the core itself. At the same time it slips out of the mathematical, experimentally verified design methods the most. One gets the impression that such an important part is not designed by the architect to a greater extent, than that of the design of the shape and nature of its boundaries, or the walls. The architecture is seen as a vessel filled with air, and the architect focuses his efforts on the materials, technology and design of the vessel.

I said to myself: „Well, well, Stanley is something.” I have heard that Stanley hunted tigers in Bangladesh. With a gun? With a camera? I cannot remember which. I must say I feel a bit of what the tiger in the jungle must have felt when was stalked by Tigerman. So here I am. To write on friend’s work. The task is made difficult since I cannot objectively separate the man from the work (in its pure sense). (John Hejduk​)

The object of my research was to reconcile the two functions - the rest and work space. The main idea of the project was to enrich the features of the old building with a new functional space corresponding to the needs of users. The search function started from the analysis of the place of the formation(resort). The aim was to create a place that attracts not only the tourist during the high season but also the community of the city.

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CyberEmpathy ISSUE 5 / 2013: Architecture for Human, Humanism for Architecture

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