CyberEmapthy is multidisciplinary academic magazine open for scientists of all fields. CyberEmpathy creates connections among art, natural science and humanities through new media. The magazine is devoted to the latest trends of art and scientific discoveries. It consists of exploring visual communication through images, new media, and all kinds of design. What we aim for is to understand as a new way of human life - a life enriched through the influences of technology and virtual reality.
We publish many types of manuscripts: scholarly articles, reviews, essays, polemics, and reports of empirical studies. At the same time, we commence research in the fields of science and art through graphic design, design space, architecture, spatial objects, projects, communication and visual identity, operation theater, quasi-theatrical and multimedia, and the overall visual aspect of human existence.
Additionally, we are interested in discovering and showing various interactions through the fields of perception: visual, mental, emotional or social. Our goal at CyberEmpathy is to provide a community to explore the seemingly endless, growing fields of digital art and design.
To evaluate each publication there are at least two independent reviewers from outside the research unit affiliated to the author of publication.
At least one of the reviewers is affiliated with a foreign institution established in a country other than the country of the author of publication.
The author or authors of publication and the reviewers do not know the identity of each other (i.e. "double-blind review process"), in other cases the reviewer must sign a declaration of no conflict of the interests, where the conflict of interests shall be recognized as the direct personal relationship between the reviewer and the author (kinship to the second degree, legal relationships, marriage), the reporting relationships or the professional direct scientific cooperation over the past two years preceding the year of the review preparation.
The review is in a written form and contain a clear reviewer proposal concerning the authorization of an article for publication or its rejection.
"Ghostwriting" and "guest authorship" is an expression of the scientific misconduct and any detected cases will be unmasked, including the notification of the relevant entities (the institutions employing the authors, the scientific societies, the associations of the scientific editors, etc.)
The editors require authors to disclose the individual contributions in the creation of publications (indicating their affiliation and contribution, i.e. they should tell, who is the author of concepts, principles, methods, protocol etc. used in the preparation of publications), wherein the main responsibility lies on the author of the manuscript.
The editors require the information about the sources of funding of the publications, the contribution of the research institutions, associations and other entities ("financial disclosure") for the implementation of the safety procedures against the phenomena of "ghostwriting" and "guest authorship".
Any signs of the scientific misconduct, especially the violations and breaches of the ethics applicable in the science will be documented.
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